NBC's Green Machine

News from the Washington Post:

NBC Universal made the first of potentially several rounds of staffing cuts at The Weather Channel (TWC) on Wednesday, axing the entire staff of the "Forecast Earth" environmental program during the middle of NBC's "Green Week," as well as several on-camera meteorologists. The layoffs totaled about 10 percent of the workforce, and are among the first major changes made since NBC completed its purchase of the venerable weather network in September.

The timing of the Forecast Earth cancellation was ironic, since it came in the middle of NBC's "Green Week," during which the network has been touting its environmental coverage across all of its platforms. Forecast Earth normally aired on weekends, but its presumed last episode was shown on a weekday due to the environmentally-oriented week.

Beth Colleton was named Vice President of  "Green" promotion for NBC:

(CSRwire) New York - June 4, 2008 - Beth Colleton was named Vice President of "Green Is Universal" (GIU). It was announced today by Lauren Zalaznick, President of Women and Lifestyle Entertainment

She will also be responsible for the strategic interface with Sales, Marketing, Research and Communications. In addition, Colleton will oversee NBCU's ongoing effort to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, by implementing more energy efficient practices within the company, across its operations and facilities.

Ms. Colleton's qualifications are listed below:

Most recently, Colleton was the head of corporate social responsibility for the National Football League, where she worked for 15 years. She was responsible for building the league's cause platform from the ground up into one of the most comprehensive philanthropic agendas in the industry.

Colleton gradated from the University of Notre Dame with a BA in American Studies and Spanish. She resides in New York City.

Please note Ms. Colleton's lack of academic science background.

Let me see if I get this right: an un-credentialed Ms. Colleton and a bunch of Hollywood leftists are going to be telling the rest of us how to live "responsibly;" while firing those who might actually know what they are talking about?

Will Beth bring back Weather Channel founder John Coleman to head the reorganization?

Probably not. Mr. Coleman is not a true believer. See his take on Man Made Global Warming here and here

NBC, how about firing the entire Green is Universal Unit? Think of the cost savings!
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