Obama Supporters organizing to give him a national holiday

The crazed ecstasy that has afflicted Obama's followers here and around the world is taking a creepy turn with a frightening preview of life in the not so distant future in the USA. 

Apparently Obama's admission that he would be president for a minimum of 10 years and rule over 57 states and finally the world were slips of his real intentions. This latest scheme isn't another brilliant Onion
parody or a satire of Barack Obama on Saturday Night Live This is scarily real about a man who was elected with slightly more than half of the votes. As reported in the Topeka (Kansas) Capital-Journal:

Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation's 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20.

"Yes We Can" planning rallies will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the downtown McDonald's restaurant, 1100 Kansas Ave., until Jan. 13. The goals are to secure a national holiday in Obama's honor, to organize celebrations around his inauguration and to celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809. 

At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's, and a celebration is scheduled for 8 p.m. to midnight Jan. 20 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, 420 S.E. 6th.

 As the cult of personality expands, Obama will eventually look like all the other presidents on our nation's currency; he will be the only one depicted. Will his portrait soon be required to hang in every home or every business under change.gov we must believe in?  Will those who don't agree with the new Leader be labeled racist and then required, or strongly encouraged, to undergo, at best, voluntary  re-education that is mandatory?  This sure sounds like a first step.  

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