The 'Thugocracy' on display in Philly (updated with video)

Big problems - as usual - in Philadelphia where the Democratic machine is throwing Republican poll watchers out of precincts and carrying on generally as the thugs we expect them to be:

GOP Election Board members have been tossed out of polling stations in at least half a dozen polling stations in Philadelphia because of their party status.

A Pennsylvania judge previously ruled that court-appointed poll watchers could be NOT removed from their boards by an on-site election judge, but that is exactly what is happening, according to sources on the ground.

It is the duty of election board workers to monitor and guard the integrity of the voting process.

Denying access to the minority (in this case Republican) poll watchers and inspectors is a violation of Pennsylvania state law. Those who violate the law can be punished with a misdemeanor and subjected to a fine of $1,000 and sent to prison between one month and two years.

Those on site are describing the situation as "pandemonium" and there may be video coming of the chaos.

Some of the precincts where Republicans have been removed are: the 44th Ward, 12th and 13th divisions; 6th Ward, 12th division; 32nd Ward, Division 28.

“Election board officials guard the legitimacy of the election process and the idea that Republicans are being intimidated and banned for partisan purposes does not allow for an honest and open election process,” said McCain-Palin spokesman Ben Porritt in a statement to Townhall.

If you think this is only a problem if Philly, guess again. Chicago has a long history of denying access, even physically assaulting opposition poll watchers at many precincts. The same could be said of most big city Democratic machines who seek to control the election process and guard their secrets from prying eyes.

The shenanigans in Philly, will, of course, affect the most important state race in the nation. If McCain can take Pennsylvania, all bets are off for Obama and the Republican has a more than hopeful shot at victory.

Nothing surprises us at this point when it comes to Democrats and the vote.

Update by Larrey Anderson
A college student captured the Black Panthers patrolling a polling place in Philly on video.

The student approached the men (one of whom carried a nightstick.) The two men identified themselves as "security." You can see that video here,

Sometime later the police arrived and escorted the "security" team away. The student also captured this confrontation here.

Hat tip: Otis Glazebrook (IV)
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