'7 Blago questions for Obama'

The Politico story has some excellent points but what do you want to bet that few of these questions will be directed to the messiah at today's press conference?

Here are a couple of good ones:

1 – “Did you communicate directly or indirectly with Blagojevich about picking your replacement in the U.S. Senate?”

2 – “Why didn’t you or someone on your team correct your close adviser David Axelrod when he said you had spoken to Blagojevich about picking your replacement?”

4 – “Did you or anyone close to you contact the FBI or U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald about Blagojevich’s alleged efforts to sell your Senate seat to the highest bidder?”

6 -“When did you and Blagojevich last speak and about what?”

That last question is especially relevant because, as reported by Tom Lifson here , Blago has made it known that he had "established a process" with Obama about how to go about filling the senate seat. Obama claims he never discussed the matter with Blago.

Just one more inconsistency in what is turning out to be a very curious response to this matter by the entire Obama team.

Sometime soon, they are going to have to put someone out in front of the press and let them ask questions until we are satisfied that they weren't bargaining with this crook in order to get their favored candidate - Valerie Jarrett - in the senate. Otherwise the evasions, the contradictions, and the "misstatements," are going to come back to haunt them later.

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