Apparently that TV reporter 'misspoke'

Yesterday, we  noted that a report was published November 5th that Blago met with Obama over his successor, contradicting Obama's contention, and supporting the assertion of David Axelrod -- in a statement dismissed by the campaign as mis-speaking after Obama went on the record to the contrary in response to a question.

KHQA-TV in Quincy, IL has withdrawn its reports and scrubbed its website. This gave rise to blogger investigations, looking into it.  Evidence developed by other bloggers strongly suggests the following is what happened. Herewith my theory:

Rod Blagojevich's office put out this press release on Nov. 5th, making him look good (they thought at the time).

Reader Kevin White write an apt analysis:

In the press release Blogo emphasizes the importance of his role in selecting Obama's successor. And the headline of the release makes it sound as though Blogo and Obama were discussing ("discusses"), or had already discussed that topic.

But the release did not really say that a meeting had actually been set up, much less that a meeting (or even a discussion) had actually occurred. And frankly, given the distance Obama was keeping publicly from Blogo at that time (Blogo was not at Grant Park), it is unlikely that Blago was one of the early calls that Obama after the election.

Indeed, I'm suspecting now that the reporter who wrote the "story" datelined November 5 may have relied solely on the press release of that same date, gotten ahead of what the press release actually said, and that when contacted more recently discovered as much and pulled the story, rather than bringing adverse attention to the fact that s/he fell for the November 5 press release and got the story so wrong.

Makes one appreciate again how unreliable is the MSM these days

Steve Gilbert of Sweetness & Light has unearthed an audio clip from Chicago NPY affiliate WBEZ radio. He writes:

About three minutes into the audio clip Mr. Blagojevich indicates that he has not yet spoken to Mr. Obama about this appointment.

At four minutes in, Mr. Blagojevich says point blank that he has not yet spoken with the President elect about selecting his replacement in the Senate.

So it looks very much as though a reporter at a small market TV station (Greater Quincy Illinois/Hannibal, Missouri) read the press release puffery and inferred something that wasn't true, but which the PR guys kinda hinted at.

That still doesn't let Axelrod off the hook. It also begs the question of what kind of "process" Blago had in mind when he told the Chicago Tribune on October 30:

"We have had some discussions about a process which we'll share ... if all goes well."

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