Palestinians miss the intended Jews, murder their own

As the world focuses on economic disasters, taking a brief break to enjoy the Holiday season, terrorists in Gaza have launched a new campaign to murder Jews.

In just a two-day span, over 100 rockets and mortar shells were launched from Gaza toward Israel. As Palestinian Christians were preparing to cross into Bethlehem to attend Christmas celebrations, a mortar shell landed in the "passenger crossing." While it appears that nobody was killed in that attack, two Palestinian children weren't so lucky.

I'm reminded of the words of Golda Meir, who said, "we will have peace when Arabs love their children more then they hate us." It's been nearly 35 years since she served the Jewish State as Prime Minister, but more than ever her words ring true.

In their attempt to kill Jews, Arab militants fired a rocket that missed their target, landing on a home in the Gaza strip,
ending the life of 2 Arab sisters, age 5 and 13.

While I am always grateful that these monsters attempts to kill Jewish men, woman and children are rarely successful and I never shed a tear when their mishaps result in a terrorist getting an early trip to Hell, I shed tears for children who are the ultimate victims of senseless hate. It don't matter what faith, country or culture they are part of, their deaths are always tragic.

But does the violent killing of these little girls change the minds of the Arab world? No.

Suicide attacks are part of the Palestinian militant's arsenal. If these hate-mongers want to kill themselves, I'll buy the cyanide. However their complete disregard for how their attacks have harsh ramifications for their own people, prove without a doubt Golda's famous analysis.

Will the parents of the little girls demand the perpetrators be brought to justice? No. As Israel's Prime Minister goes on Arab language television, warning the Islamic-world that Israel is prepared to defend herself and invade Gaza to stop the attacks, will Palestinian parents demand the Hamas-controlled government stop the assault on Israel? No.

The world will argue that these people fear that the terrorists will kill them if they speak up. While there is no doubt that they have reason to be scared, no matter what they do, violence and death will be at their doorstep.

The Revolutionary War was the result of everyday men and woman willing to die, so their children could be free. "Give me liberty or give me death" shouldn't be relevant only to 18th century America.

The question for Palestinians is do they want to raise their children in a safe environment, giving their children the opportunity to be free and to prosper for generations to come?

The answer is an obvious NO! Palestinian parents and grandparents hatred for Jews is greater than their love for their own children.

God protect those kids. Their parents obviously won't.

Paul Miller is a writer; consultant and activist dedicated to issues concerning Israel, limited government and free market ideas. You can read his opinions at
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