Rahmbo resigns House seat

Governor Rod Blagojevich (Disgraced Democrat-IL) has another Congressional seat for sale; his own representative, Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) sent him a letter that he intends to resign his House seat to become The Office of President Elect Barack Hussein Obama's Chief of Staff.  However Blagojevich cannot sell - (oops!) - select Emanuel's replacement directly because according to Illinois law the governor must call an election within 115 days.  The primary, which will occur before the election,  will actually decide the winner in this heavily Democratic district. 
Although two experienced Democratic state legislators are the top contenders for the seat, and a few others are also interested in running, perhaps wannabe New York senator Caroline Kennedy should consider entering the race to gain some sorely needed experience.  With her "you knows" and "uhs," her vague promises, and ability to raise money, she does sound a bit like a typical Illinois politician with just enough of a difference--money and star power--to make it interesting.
Although she doesn't technically live in Chicago, the Kennedy Expressway, renamed for her late father, does run through the district. Her grandfather once owned a large office building in Chicago.  And there would be dynastic symmetry.  In 1960, then Chicago mayor, Richard J. Daley (D), passionately eager to have a fellow Irish Catholic Democrat elected president, did what comes naturally to Chicago politicians; he saw to it, literally by hook or crook, that the city and surrounding Cook County produced enough Democratic votes to narrowly tip the state, which had polled for Nixon, to Kennedy in 1960. The 2008 mayor of Chicago is Richard M. Daley, yep, the son, who could be equally helpful. 
Just a thought, just trying to be helpful. 

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