The friends of Rahm Emanuel

While serving as campaign treasurer for Rep. Rahm Emanuel, William Singer became involved in a real estate deal with two men who have pleaded guilty to corruption charges. The Chicago Sun-Times has the story:

These days, Singer finds himself in the uncomfortable position of having been involved in a real estate deal with two men who have pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges -- former Ald. Edward Vrdolyak and businessman Stuart Levine.

These days, Singer finds himself in the uncomfortable position of having been involved in a real estate deal with two men who have pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges -- former Ald. Edward Vrdolyak and businessman Stuart Levine.

But Singer, 67, hasn't been charged with any wrongdoing himself. He's referred to in court documents filed in Vrdyolak's criminal case, though he's identified only as "Individual A."

Singer got involved in the deal to build luxury condos on Chicago's Gold Coast while he was serving as campaign treasurer for U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the Northwest Side congressman who's stepping down to become White House chief of staff for President-elect Barack Obama.

Singer resigned as Emanuel's campaign treasurer in January 2006, a few months after a federal grand jury indicted Levine in two separate cases. A spokesman for Emanuel said the congressman knew nothing about Singer's deal with Vrdolyak and Levine.

Will the national medial pick up the story? Imagine the party identities were different....
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