Top 10 Media Blunders of 2008


Since its inception, I have found the on-line magazine Politico to be one of the better sites on the web for political news and analysis. They have some fine writers there - to be sure some turkeys too.

But one of the better ones is Michael Calderone who has what I think is a pretty accurate top ten media goofs from the last year.

He rightly puts the spectacular pundit failure in calling New Hampshire for Obama at the top. A few others:

  • The New York Times' McCain-Iseman story. A patently false story and perhaps the Times' most obvious example of bias to date.
  • Matthews and Olbermann as co-anchors for MSNBC election coverage. Obvious cheerleaders for Obama and the Democrats.
  • Fox News and the "terrorist fist bump." No explanation needed.
  • National Enquirer story about Edward's and his mistress. It exposed the media as the biased hypocrites they truly are when outlets like the LA Times refused to even mention the story.

There are a few choices I question - most notably the inclusion of ABC News and the debate in Philadelphia where Ayers and Wright finally got a hearing on the national stage. Calderone thinks that was a blunder but it wasn't ABC's fault that the McCain campaign got scared off by the backlash against Stephanopoulos and Gibson.

Read the whole thing for some fond memories.

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