When in doubt, blame Bush

The Boston Globe continues to provide answers to the question of why subscribers are canceling subscriptions for newspapers run by Pinch Sulzberger.

There is no more ridiculous statement in any editorial this month than this one in a piece    describing the foreign policy challenge faced by Barack Obama of Russia supplying advanced anti-aircraft system to the nuclear weapons developing nation of Iran.

The Globe describes a Moscow trip by Richard Lugar and Henry Kissinger to putatively discuss Russian terms for diminishing its supply of arms and nuclear help to Iran.


 These two go-betweens may bring Obama a message about the Kremlin's terms for repairing a relationship that deteriorated dangerously under Bush. Because the missile defense system is flawed and because key European allies already oppose NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine, Obama will have a chance to trade low-value cards inherited from Bush for crucial Russian cooperation on proliferation, terrorism, and energy security. Obama has the cards. Now he has to play them right. 


Yes. That is right. All of the Russian adventurism, extortion, threats, and arms proliferation activities occurred because of George Bush.

Not one molecule of blame assigned to former KGBer  Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his handpicked successor as President, the cutout known as Dmitri Medvedev.

Warfare against Georgia, Chechnya atrocities, cutoff of supplies of energy to Georgia and the Ukraine to coerce them to follow Putin policies, mysterious murders of critics of the Putin regime, pressure against Western energy companies? Is George Bush at fault for a pattern of violence and corruption, threat and extortion?

One could find fault and assign at least a measure of blame to Putin and Company for relations deteriorating between America and Russia.

That is, one could if one did not have an ideological agenda that is so predictable and apparent that it makes reading editorials from the Boston Globe a tiresome prospect.

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