Blago Strikes Again

You've got to hand it (in a non corrupt sale of course) to Illinois' embattled Governor Rod Blagojevich (D).  While fighting corruption charges, resisting impeachment, enduring public humiliation (presumably he is), the governor continues his routine.  He runs daily, even in Chicago's bitter cold and snowy streets.  He cleverly appoints an experienced  former Illinois official, Roland Burris (D) to replace former senator and now President-elect Barack H. Obama (D). Opponents of Burris are tainted and called racist while Blagojevich emerges as a wily statesman. 
And now, in another bold and brilliant move, he practically
laughs in the faces of his accusers

A few weeks after the Cubs were swept from the 2008 playoffs, Gov. Rod Blagojevich decreed that a stretch of Northwest Highway in Park Ridge would henceforth be known as Honorary Jim Hendry Way.

When the Illinois Department of Transportation mounted the signs on some of its signal posts last month, the Cubs general manager, who is a resident of the northwest suburb, knew nothing about them.

Neither did Park Ridge officials, who just learned about them this week.

"I would think you'd at least have the courtesy to call someone up and say, 'We're going to do this,' " said Mayor Howard Frimark.
An Illinois politician--courteous?
Wrigley Field, in whose "friendly confines" the Chicago Cubs play, are both up for sale as part of a complex deal by their owner, the newspaper Chicago Tribune.  Naturally the governor of Illinois has a say so in this matter.  The governor had a few issues with the Tribune as he asked them to fire a few editors who criticized him--they refused.  And so, when the governor, and his wife, Patti discussed impeding  the sale of the Cubs and Wrigley Field, according to the secret wiretap Mrs. Blagojevich counseled
"Hold up that [bleeping] Cubs [bleeping] ... [bleeping] them." the complaint quotes her.
Ah, now all this is beginning to make sense. Ain't Illinois politics grand?
But Blagojevich is such an excellent wheeler dealer, has such great bravado and guts, and tries to put together such interesting deals in such a creative way that it is a shame he is tainted by accusations of corruption.  Otherwise, wouldn't he have made a great Secretary of Commerce?


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