CNN seems to criticize GOP party poopers

"How dare they ruin the mood of the country" is the subtext of this CNN piece on the race for the RNC chair:

Despite the climate of national goodwill surrounding Barack Obama as he prepares to take the oath of office, two of the candidates vying to lead the Republican National Committee unleashed harsh attacks against the president-elect on Friday.

Katon Dawson, the chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, promised in a new a YouTube message to be Obama's "worst nightmare" and said it would be the party’s mission for the next four years to "expose" the Democrats for what they "want to do to this country."

"I can assure you that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will understand that Katon Dawson will become their worst nightmare," he says in the video. "We will expose them at every turn for what they are doing to the American public."

Dawson defended his tough talk as the duty of a party leader.

"Whether you're the chairman of the state party or the national committee, your job is to hold Democrats accountable in every way," he told CNN. "That doesn't mean you have to do it in a mean tone of voice or in a way that doesn't offer solutions."

It appears that the press wants to repeal any kind of partisanship for the duration. What does the "climate of national goodwill" have to do with people standing up for what they believe? Certainly, a part of that is opposing people and policies that you disagree with.

We must apologize to CNN and the rest of the press for not seeing the light and bowing down in the presence of The One during his coronation ceremony.

I hope the new RNC chairman - whoever he is - kicks butt and takes names when it comes to this administration. If the Democrats think we are just going to roll over as they seek to radically alter the relationship between the governed and the governors in this country, they have another thing coming.

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