Let our Roland go

John Kass continues with his hilarious take on Chicago politics in the Chicago Tribune:
If the Senate Republicans truly wanted to make Tombstone Burris' march on Washington a spectacle to bedevil the Democrats, here's what they'd do.

They'd put on some choir robes, stand outside Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid's office Wednesday and invite every news organization in the land to hear them sing.

They'd sing a cappella, in a mournful baritone, to mark the latest Democratic public relations disaster—the all-white Senate controlled by Democrats denying a seat to a duly appointed African-American. So if they wanted a true spectacle, the Republicans would hold hands and begin to croon:

"When Roland was in Harry's hands—Let Our Roland Go!
He predicts Burris will eventually be seated but only after the Democrats are made fools of by Blagojevich.
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