'Mutual respect and mutual interest' with these guys?

President Obama used the momentous occasion of his first television interview in office to address the Muslim world, and call for "mutual respect and mutual interest." Among those in the Muslim world are plenty of people who agree with Egyptian cleric Amin Al-Ansari.

This respected Muslim religious authority appeared on Egyptian television on Holocaust Remembrance Day, showed Holocaust pictures, and called for a new Holocaust at Muslim hands.

"This is what we hope will happen but, Allah willing, at the hands of the Muslims."

Little Green Footballs has the story. If you have the stomach, you can watch the horror video of the cleric here.

If President Obama really wants mutual understanding, doesn't he need to denounce this cleric, and remind the Muslim world that it has an obligation to accept the existence of Jews and Israel as parts of the world community? Respect is a two way strreet.

Hat tip: Dennis Sevakis
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