Are Israelis suicidal?

Kadima got 28 mandates, Likud 27 , Israel Beitenu 15 and Labor 13.
Who do Israelis think will save them from an Iranian nuclear attack?  Who? Will Tzipi Livni decide to preemptively attack Iranian nuclear sites? Doesn't Netanyahu who has been warning about Iran for years have a clearer idea of the threat?  Many would argue that there is a consensus across the board on this issue, but the difference in witnessing a nuclear blast outside my home or not may be a consequence of very small errors in judgment and timing.  What Israel needs is a unity government headed by Netanyahu immediately. Instead they are discussing all possible permutations of coalitions.   
In reality, this should have been a one issue election - Iran. For what point is there in discussing social issues and taxes if the very survival of the country is at stake? In fact, once Iran is resolved, the problem with Hezbullah  and Hamas would be much easier.  But somehow the subject was deemed too frightening to touch. Instead of discussing Iran the TV interviewed Tzipi Livni's husband and Netanyahu's brother.  Nice people. But I really could not care less.
How many Israelis have heard of the Mahdi? Have they any idea of Shia eschatological beliefs?  I decided to make a quick poll of coworkers and sent 40 emails with the following content:  I am making a small survey about Iran  - one question  -  please answer. Do you know who is the Mahdi? Please answer with YES or NO and send me the email back. Thank you. I got 5 YES answers.

How is it possible that the greatest threat to Israeli existence was almost not an issue in the campaign? How is it possible that most Israelis do not even know what their arch enemy believes in?  Assuming that it is virtually impossible that the government does not know who the Mahdi is, why don't they educate the population?  Doesn't a democracy need a participating and informed electorate?

What a mess! It is almost as if democracies are incapable of defending themselves against jihad in the nuclear age. First in the US and now here in Israel. By the time they wake up millions could be dead. 

But democracies have proven time and again that they manage to muster the force and defeat the totalitarian regimes. Let's hope.
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