Catholics can't buy a Fairness Doctrine

Most American Thinker readers know that NBC rejected a TV add produced by for the Super Bowl.  CNN has also rejected the spot. Seems like Catholics can’t even buy a piece of the “Fairness Doctrine.”

(The advertisement shows the development of a baby in his mother’s womb. The spot simply celebrates the process and the decisions that led to the birth of the first African-American president. You can see the add here .)

According to Brian Burch at, this is how CNN explained its decision not to run the add:

Thank you for your patience.  We have decided to pass on this creative. CNN doesn't accept advocacy ads that portray personal decisions in a manner that suggests a position in favor of the advocacy message, without having permission of the persons involved.

Watch the advertisement -- and then try to make some sense (any sense) out of that string of non-sequiturs.

CNN has run pro-abortion “creatives” in the past. The network defended its decision to run the pro-choice adds thus:

CNN accepts advocacy advertising from responsible groups from across the political spectrum who wish to express their views and their opinions about issues of public importance.

Logical analysis of this defense tells us that CNN thinks: (a) Catholics are not a responsible group, (b) abortion is not a matter of public importance, or (c) both.

Forget the “Fairness Doctrine.” can’t even buy time from the mainstream media to express its opinion.

Hat tip: My wife

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