Do the Honkey Pokey -- that's what it's all about

Time to learn a new dance -- the race hustle where whites are now racist if they talk about race and cowards if they don't.

Call it the Honkey Pokey.
To the tune of the Hokey Pokey:
You put the race card out,
You pull the race bait in,
You're a racist if you talk about it,
-- a coward if you don't,
That's what it's all about.

Played the race card then,
And Clinton called him out,
Tried in vain to bait
Sen-a-tor McCain
But Johnny didn't bite.
Racist ben-e-dic-tions
are fine you see,
But innocent cartoons are not.

You're a racist if you talk about it,
-- a coward if you don't,
That's what it's all about.
That's what it's all about.
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