No Surprises Here

Although the New York Times and other MSM either ignored of played down the story, today's New York Post lays it right on the line:  

'Israel is not making enough effort to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.' - Senior US official

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sent angry messages to Israel in the past week, complaining that humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is being blocked by officials in Jerusalem, Israeli media reported yesterday.

Clinton aides made it clear she would make the supposed Israeli foot-dragging a central issue next week when she makes her first trip to the region as secretary of state, the newspaper Haaretz reported.

"Israel is not making enough effort to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza," a senior US official was quoted as telling Israeli authorities.

Gilad Shalit, the Israeli solider captured by Hamas in 2006, is apparently, in the view of Hillary and her boss, not a human being, as they've said not one word about his humanitarian plight, although the Post also notes that:

Israel refuses to reopen its crossing points into Gaza unless Hamas releases a soldier kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists two years ago.

Hamas rejects the quid pro quo.

In other news, some of which has been reported here in other message threads,

  • The Obama administration has decided not to boycott but to join in the Durban II anti-Israel hate fest
  • Obama has appointed Susan Rice, no friend of Israel, as US ambassador to the United Nations
  • Obama has offered $900 million in aid to Gaza as a "reward" for suffering the repercussion of their own aggressive war on Israel
  • Obama has made Samantha Power, another Israel foe, a top foreign policy advisor
  • Charles Freeman, an Israel-hater and former Arab lobbyist responsible for publication of vicious anti-Israel propaganda is moving into the post of head of the Nationational Intelligence Council, the top intelligence advisory agency to the president
  • Obama continues to surround himself with advisers antipathetic to the Israeli cause such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert Malley
  • Obama chose to make his first TV interview appearance on the al-Arabiya network where he essentially apologized for America, and reminisced about the good old days -- which happen to be the ones of Islamist bombing American sites in New York, Lebanon, Africa, and attacking our navy in Yemen
  • Obama has soft-pedaled Iran's nuclear efforts, for which that country slapped him in the face for his naïveté by stepping up their program, including an operational test this week and a promise to redouble enrichment efforts -- leaving Israel on its way under the infamous Obama bus
All this in a mere six weeks or so in office, and not counting the disastrous economic policies being foisted on the nation without due consideration or debate, nor the fool's game into which he has been suckered by Russia's Vladimir Putin regarding our essential supply lines for troops fighting in Afghanistan.

And, of course, thee is much more which time and space do not permit mentioneing here, but which have been amply covered by a plethora of analysts, commentators, columnists, and bloggers.

But whatever there may be, there is no cause for surprise. Not among the left-leaning cultists who were swept up in Obamania, and especially not among the 70%+ of the Jewish electorate who deliberately put their brains into neutral and voted for The One.  Everything the Obama administration has done and is in the process of doing, whether it is abandoning our longstanding support of Israel or driving the US economy into a quasisocialist format, were clearly promised and presaged by his campaign statements, his cohort of advisers, the organizations who backed him, and the parts of his past history that came to light -- despite massive efforts to seal and cover up important records of his college and political records.

Yes, no surprises here. But there is plenty to answer for the segment of the electorate who were plainly and repeatedly warned and yet out of venality or ignorance chose put their misguided utopian "ideals" above the interests of their country and their people. For shame!
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