Obama plays God and Santa Claus

Planned or not, Drudge Report' s upper page had the best summary of President Barack Hussein Obama's (D) Santa Claus hollow rhetoric.

Obama Says USA will rebuild and emerge stronger...
Obama vows to increase number of soldiers...
Obama vows to seek cure for cancer 'in our time'...
Obama says bank bailout may cost more than expected...
Obama promises universal EDUCATION THROUGH COLLEGE...
Obama promises universal health care...
 Hmm, so in the midst of spreading all the money around, he's going to cure cancer too!  Hey, he's GOD, why not cure diabetes, heart disease and hangnails while he's spending our money?
But we know he is a false god because he "says the bank bailout may cost more than expected..."  Duh!  He didn't expect it but mostly every mortal American not caught up in Obamacult did!

 Ps-s-st, Obamaman!  I don't know what your time on earth will be but sadly cancer won't be "cured" in it.  Incremental advances yes, "cure" no. 
Meanwhile, more and more people are joining Rick Santelli' s 2009 Tea Party revolution while we still have some money and our freedoms. 

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