Pakistan Releases Abdul Qadeer Khan

For the terrorists the world over, this week was one celebration.
In Pakistan, Abdul Qadeer Khan, the nuclear scientist who helped develop Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, was freed from house arrest. Khan admitted to leaking atomic secrets to North Korea, Iran and Libya, but was pardoned by President Pervez Musharraf and placed under house arrest in 2004.

According to an AP report , State Department spokesman, Gordon Duguid, said Khan remained a "serious proliferation risk."

I’m curious what kind of risk the State Department found terrorist, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, to be. Apparently, Obama’s executive order to halt military tribunals at Guantanamo Gay was of such urgency, that compliance necessitated the dropping of all charges against the al-Qaida suspect in the 2000 USS Cole bombing on Thursday.
I am sadly reminded of the parades and victory celebrations that occurred in Lebanon when the Israeli government released child murderer, Samir Quntar, whose release was part of a prisoner swap with the terrorist organization, Hezbollah. Israel, respectful of its citizens in life and in death, received the remains of soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldav Reged in exchange for the release of one of Lebanon’s “national heroes."

In Obama’s rush to appease the Muslim world, he is finding himself in the good company of the Pakistani government. Is it just me or is he starting to look more and more like the ruler of a Muslim state than the President of the United States of America? With each day, Obama gives the terrorists one more reason to celebrate, and brings them one step closer to succeeding in a future attack on US interests.

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