Raids? ... We don't need no stinkin' Raids!

The Obama administration is falling all over itself apologizing for a raid by U.S. Immigration and Customs that targeted illegal aliens.

According Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times:

Immigrant rights groups blasted President Obama on Wednesday for breaking what they called his "personal commitment" to change Bush-era immigration raids after U.S. authorities raided an engine machine shop in Washington state and detained illegal immigrants.

Janet Napolitano has promised to “get to the bottom” of how Immigration and Customs could actually be enforcing the law in America.

"The secretary is not happy and this is not her policy," a Homeland Security official said Wednesday evening, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the secretary's review is ongoing.

And Nick Shapiro a spokesman for the Obama administration said:

… these raids are not a long-term solution.

Secretary Napolitano is conducting a thorough review of ICE, including enforcement. The president believes we must respect due process and our best values as we enforce the law. The real answer to our broken immigration system is to fix it. The president has said that we will start the immigration reform debate this year, and this continues to be the plan.

In other words, enforce the law by not enforcing the law and talk about the problem [“start the immigration reform debate this year”] instead of actually fixing the problem.

Welcome to the Obama Farm.
Where some laws are more applicable than others.

Hat Tip: Jeanette

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