The Fairness Doctrine choo-choo has left the station

After assuring Republicans all last year that there would be no return to the Fairness Doctrine, it appears that Democrats lied through their teeth. The issue is beginning to pick up steam among Democrats and it will only be a matter of time before the left tries to make it a reality and muzzle all dissent:

More and more Democrats in Congress are calling for action that Republicans warn could muzzle right-wing talk radio.

Representative Maurice Hinchey, a Democrat from New York is the latest to say he wants to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine," a federal regulation scrapped in 1987 that would require broadcasters to present opposing views on public issues.

"I think the Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated," Hinchey told CNNRadio. Hinchey says he could make it part of a bill he plans to introduce later this year overhauling radio and t-v ownership laws.

Democratic Senators Debbie Stabenow of Michigan and Tom Harkin of Iowa added their voices recently to those calling for a return of the regulation.

This is one issue guaranteed to light a fire under the GOP and conservatives. It will be a huge campaign issue if it is passed and a good one for Republicans; overwhelming majorities of Americans oppose the Fairness Doctrine.

I would urge everybody to join an anti-Fairness Doctrine group either on Facebook, Myspace, or Yahoo and become active in what promises to be a real Pier Six brawl over the future of freedom in America.

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