Where's the outrage?

Big Media goes ballistic over a chimp cartoon in the New York Post, but averts its eyes when one of their own fabricates a much more egregious insult intended to discredit a journalist at Fox News, based on doctoring a video clip. Apparently, it is open season on the employees of News Corporation, and media indignation targets only conservatives. Okay, we already knew that, but still it is good to have such vivid evidence of media bias at hand, as one after another, antique media organs begin to fail.  

The offense

John Sanders, a reporter at NBC's Baltimore affiliate, doctored a video clip of John Gibson of FNC in order to discredit him.

Fox News describes the offense:

The... video clip was doctored so that the viewer heard Gibson using the words "bright blue scrotum" in reference to Attorney General Eric Holder, rather than to a defining characteristic of a monkey on the loose in Seattle.

The video circulated rapidly on blogs and news Web sites Thursday and was not corrected for hours.

Among the leading lights of the left who believed the doctored clip was real was the Huffington Post. It appears that the left actually believes that Fox News would broadcast such an incredibly offensive statement. They believe their own caricatures.

Steve Gilbert of Sweetness & Light sums up the real issues well:

Isn't it shocking that it would turn out to be one of our famously objective watchdog media who was behind this?

And isn't it odd that we don't see the same level of moral outrage at this intentional act as we do towards the obviously unintentional offense given by the New York Post's "stimulus monkey" cartoon?

These are rhetorical questions, of course.

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