4 Oakland police officers slain by parolee

A paroled criminal shot and killed four Oakland police officers yesterday in crime-plagued East Oakland.  Once again, guardians of the public order have paid the ultimate price for the safety of the rest of us. The families, friends, and loved ones of the slain officers have my deep sympathy.

The slain heroes:

Sgt. Mark Dunakin, motorcycle patrol

Officer John Hege, motorcycle patrol

Sgt. Ervin Romans, SWAT team

Sgt. Daniel Sakai, SWAT team

The slain criminal:

Lovelle Mixon

So far, there have been no protests or riots in Oakland against this savage act. When a BART transit cop shot a civilian some weeks ago, nights of rioting ensued.

But protests of a sort are very visible on the San Francisco Chronicle's website,  SFGate.com, where readers in the most liberal metropolis in America express thoughts that would seem out of place in the mouths of Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Jerry Brown, or any of the other notoriously liberal politicians who keep getting elected. See for yourself here. A sample:

I am sick of the thug community saying they are in fear of the police. I am living in fear of the thug community. They are in fear of the police because they have warrents aginst (sic) them, have drugs and guns on them and they just got caught! Be afraid THUGGIES, BE very afraid. I hope OPD takes it's revenge on the Oakland Thug community!!


And let's be clear about this. The killer in this case was a parolee. If only this state would stick to the simple, tough criminal justice model advocated by NRA and others -- long prison terms and no early paroles -- four cops would be alive at home with their families today.


RIP. I hope this is a wake-up call to the community that they need to get their thugs under control. Sadly I doubt anything will change.


Time to clean up the cess pool that is Oakland. Move if Federal troops to confiscate all the illegal guns root out gang members for deprogramming at a detention camp in the Sierra.

I confess I am stunned at the reaction of the readers. This must be a self-selected group, but even so, it is out of character with the dominant political culture here in the Bay Area.
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