After banning Wilders, Brits welcome Hezb'allah official

After banning controversial Dutch MP Geert Wilders - ostensibly because he spouts hate speech - the British see no problem in welcoming an official from the terrorist group Hezb'allah whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel:

Just weeks after Dutch parliament member Geert Wilders was banned from Britain, and one year after Israel's Moshe Feiglin was similarly banned, British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is apparently going to allow Ibrahim Moussawi, a spokesman for the Hezbullah terror group, into England to deliver a lecture later this month.

Britain even recognizes Hezb'allah as a terrorist group and is allowing one of their spokesman to give a lecture?

I guess "free speech" is a negotiable commodity in Great Britain. As is a "backbone," "guts," and some other human attributes that the once brave and powerful island nation seems to have thrown under the bus.

I wonder if Mr. Moussawi will repeat some of the gems about Israel and the Jews that he has said in other venues. Like what for instance?

He has allegedly called Jews "a lesion on the forehead of history" and said of Israel: "Pain is the only language that the enemy understands."

Yes, but he is a member of an oppressed minority so he is allowed a little leeway in his hate speech.

Britain goes to sleep with the sword of Allah preparing to strike a death blow.

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