Illegal aliens likely to benefit from stim bill more than you

Too bad no one read the stim bill before voting on it. Stuff like this might have been avoided:

Democratic leaders slipped in a provision eliminating a law requiring that workers on federal contracts prove they are citizens or legal residents of the United States. The eliminated provision includes a program called "E-verify" that allows employers to quickly access federal databases to check the legal status of workers - all but avoiding the risk that forged documents will fool an innocent employer into hiring an illegal.

So some 300,000 construction jobs will likely go to illegal aliens, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The center's estimate is based on the 2 million construction jobs that the stimulus package is expected to generate and on U.S. Census Bureau data showing 15 percent of U.S. construction workers are illegal immigrants. Since many of the projects are in states with high illegal alien populations, the actual number may be higher.

There are two theories as to why Democratic leaders stripped the web-based E-Verify system that is a joint project of the Social Security Administration and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Theory One is that Democrats wanted to placate activists who may not get quick action on outright amnesty. Theory Two is that Democrats catered to pro-business interests such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (which sued to prevent E-Verify from becoming mandatory) who want a vast pool of reasonably priced labor.

Or perhaps the pols simply think illegal aliens are easier to unionize than natives.

That's about 10% of the jobs Obama claims the stim bill will "create" going to illegals. And how many additional illegal aliens do you think it will encourage to slip across the border to get in on the goodies?

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky


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