More bonuses approved by Democrats

Speaking of, arguing about and condemning government funded bonuses here's a surprise; look who is receiving government funded mortgages. 
Government funded public servants!
Representative Barney Frank (D-MA), who has been fuming about the AIG bonuses in between bouts of calling Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a homophobe, contacted James Lockhart who oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, asking him to cancel 1million dollars of retention bonuses to be paid to four executives. 
And what was Lockhart's reply? 

“In September, when the conservatorships were established, I made clear to Congress that we had developed, with the new CEOs and with an outside pay consultant, employee retention programs” in consultation with Treasury, Lockhart wrote. “I stated then my view that it was very important to work with the current management teams and employees to encourage them to stay and to continue to make important improvements to the enterprises.”


“But I can also say that we run a great risk of these same employees deciding this is the last straw and walking away,” he wrote. “The loss of key personnel would be devastating to the companies and to the government’s efforts to stabilize the housing system.”

Frank, who is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee played a key role in establishing and agreeing to these bonuses.
Will the same folks who threatened and harassed AIG bonus recipients over the last week end and ogled their homes now do the same with Frank?  Or are they afraid he'll call them homophobe also?

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