Top Ten Gaffes of the Obama Administration

Tony Harnden of The Telegraph has been trying to keep track, although the fact his list includes only 10 gaffes must have placed a burden on his editor.

A few examples:

Just after he's been sworn in by him, the newly-minted Vice President Joe Biden gets the name of Justice John Paul Stevens, "one of the great justices" of the Supreme Court, wrong by calling him "Justice Stewart":

Barack Obama jokes about Nancy Reagan having séances in the White House. He later called her to apologise after the AP noted that although she had consulted astrologers, "she did not hold conversations with the dead":

 Joe Biden forgets the "website number" for the White House internet site designed to show how TARP money is being spent:

Gordon Brown presents the new President with: a pen holder carved from the timbers of HMS Gannett, a sister ship of HMS Resolute; the commissioning certificate of HMS Resolute; and a seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill. In return, the Prime minister gets 25 DVDS, which don't work in Britain:

And the number one gaffe Harnden thinks the Administration has committed?

The latest one takes the biscuit. Barack Obama jokes about the disabled on the Jay Leno show. Afterwards, he calls the head of the Special Olympics to apologise:

Harnden also features videos of each "special moment."


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