Is Obama an Emperor without Clothes?

Is Obama an emperor without clothes, as the mainstream media want us to believe? By “without clothes” I mean is Obama just another stand-up guy who cares for all of his fellow Americans and harbors no ill will toward our great nation? Or is Obama wearing clothes that the media is almost pathologically committed to ignoring and denying? The truth, as the saying goes, is right in front of the media’s “lying eyes.”

The media wants America to believe that symbolism doesn’t matter in relation to their new superhero. But if that is true, why did Obama bow all the way down to the belly button of a medieval Moslem potentate a few days ago? And why did his staff ask the associate vice president for communications at Georgetown University to cover up all the Christian symbols that adorn the stage at Gaston Hall during Obama’s recent speech?

Isn’t Obama the man who claims the title of President of the United States, but refuses to wear even an American flag lapel pin?  The symbolism of that refusal seems pretty clear. But although symbolism appears to matter to the superhero, the so-called intellectual media elite don’t think symbols should matter to the American people.

That kind of intellectual self-deception is what led to the massive media deceit that propelled Obama into the White House in the first place. But the White House isn’t a fit place for someone who embraces the mantra “God Damn America.” And Barack Hussein Obama is anything but the emperor with no clothes that the mainstream media represents him to be.

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