Lefties to try and discredit tea parties

Liberals are making fun of conservative "paranoia" over attempts to discredit the tea parties by activists on the left but, as we know, they never let the facts stand in the way of a good fantasy.

Michelle Malkin:

1) From Code Pink Website:

Santa Monica Tea Party Wednesday, April 15th 2009 4:00-5:00 PM Santa Monica, CA
The Santa Monica Tea Party of 2009 and Tea Parties all across America are being organized by friends of Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, all about getting less funding for government. Let's show up with a better message: STOP funding wars and Wall Street, and start funding the needs of the people- health care, education, and a green economy. Join us as we crash their party.

Location: Santa Monica Pier 100 Colorado Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90401

2) From DKos:

Tomorrow, my husband and I will be venturing into the wilds disguised as a news crew to do some in person interviewers with teabaggers here in Rhode Island (if we can find any). We've got some questions lined up to ask, but I'd love to get suggestions!

The great thing about owning professional video equipment is that armed with it, you can pass yourself off as being a professional news crew pretty easily.

So tomorrow, "WSFR" is going to send a cameraman and on air news personality out into the field to cover this "teabagging" phenomenon.

Outright disruption as well as fake news reporting. And that's just for starters. Read the rest of Malkin's post for some troubling tactics that liberals will use to try and preempt the movement.

Sounds like the left may be a little worried about the tea party phenomenon.

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