Liz Cheney Gives A Debate Lesson

There is a video up on Powerline that should be of interest to readers of American Thinker.

Dick Cheney’s daughter, Liz, gives MSNBC’s Norah O’Donnell a lesson in reporting and debating.

 Notice how Liz Cheney (who worked as an assistant deputy secretary of state under W) refuses to accept the premise of several of the questions.  O’Donnell is clearly trying to trap Cheney with “When did you stop beating your husband?” logic. But Cheney isn’t biting.

The purported topic is whether or not Dick Cheney and Condolezza Rice authorized torture. But Cheney doesn’t buy in to the false assumption.

The moderator, in this case O’Donnell, has a huge advantage in these discussions. The moderator controls the topic. (Notice how O’Donnell stops Cheney from speaking when Norah insists that a “full screen” quote be displayed. As I have pointed out, this is a standard “gottcha” tactic used when conservatives are speaking on national television.)

Republicans (especially debate novices like Sarah Palin) could learn much from watching this interview.

I distinctly remember during the Republican presidential primary debates when the Republican candidates were asked to raise their hands if they believed in man made global warming.  Like good little first graders, all but one did. Watch the video carefully. Fred Thompson stopped the nonsense.

At that moment I knew what a sorry pack of losers made up the “leadership” of the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party wants a real debater in a leadership position … it should take a long, hard look at Liz Cheney.

Hat tip: Otis A. Glazebrook (IV!)

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