Media Matters Launches Anti-Fox Campaign

As unbelievable as this may seem, the folks at Media Matters are not content with having their far-left talking points lead the news on all the major networks except  ONE.   The lone rangers at Fox News, who try to provide the tiniest balance to an otherwise total leftist propaganda paradise are so under the skin of the Media Matters whiners that they even have an ongoing campaign to flood Fox with calls for apologizing for "promoting" the Tax Day Tea Parties.
Here is the email they sent out today: 

Dear Friend,

Earlier this week, I asked you to join me in signing a petition calling on Chris Wallace, host of Fox News Sunday, to hold his network accountable for its recent outrageous political activism, including its aggressive promotion of anti-Obama tea parties. So far, the response has been overwhelming. We have already surpassed our original goal of 25,000 signatures!
Due to the incredible response, we are upping our goal from 25,000 to 30,000 signatures. Please sign the petition and help us reach our new goal.

In just two days, we have collected nearly as many signatures as the estimated number of attendees at the four major "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties," which were promoted by the network for weeks. Join us and sign the petition -- send Fox News a clear message that news and partisanship don't mix.

Perhaps consrevatives need start our own demand campaign to all the other networks to stop letting Media Matters dictate the "news" coverage there!
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