What's good for GM?

Now that President Obama is the de facto president of GM I more concerned about the future of the company than before. 

Which government model will GM follow; will it be Amtrak, the U.S. Postal Service, (this one could be dangerous), or will it be the Medicare or the social security business model?

I noticed they are offering free payments for those who lose their jobs; that obviously comes from the unemployment model. In the near future,  maybe a few free food stamps with the purchase of every new car could help sales.  How about a subsidy for those over 65 from the social security model toward the purchase of a new car?

Maybe we could give huge discounts for camper vans based on the subsidized housing business model.

I think with some creative marketing from bureaucrats who can't balance a budget, GM's deficit can be expected to rise to levels that our government creates.

I hope all the Obama administration will be paid with GM stock options. 
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