Burris is incapable of being truthful

We reported yesterday on the bombshell tape released by prosecutors that had Roland Burris agreeing with Rob Blagojevich, the impeached governor's brother, to donate to the governor's re-election campaign and to perhaps put on a fundraiser in exchange for Obama's senate seat.

None of this occurred because in a matter of days, Blago was arrested. But the tape survived and now questions about Burris are once again making news. During that conversation, Burris admitted that if he gave money, it would mean "I bought it" referring to the senate seat.

What is the senator's response? It was a clever ruse, says Burris:

Beleaguered U.S. Sen. Roland Burris added another layer Wednesday to the evolving story of his appointment, saying he was only trying to "placate" then- Gov. Rod Blagojevich's brother to keep his Senate prospects alive knowing no campaign money would ever change hands.

The latest detail came as Burris spent the opening of a two-day Downstate tour offering his explanation of what was on covert recordings made by federal agents investigating Blagojevich in November. Burris said the transcript shows that he was not involved in "pay to play" because he told Robert Blagojevich, the former governor's brother, that if he donated and got the Senate appointment, "that means I bought it."

But the transcript also shows Burris discussing various ways that he might join in fundraising events hosted by others or contribute money through Burris' law partner and current lawyer, Timothy Wright. On Wednesday, Burris said those discussions were an attempt to deceive Robert Blagojevich to keep himself in the mix for a Senate appointment and that no donations were ever forthcoming.

"I'm wrestling with, how do I help the governor? How do I not offend the governor's brother, you know, because he could take it back to the governor and say, 'You know, Burris ...,' " the senator told reporters in Champaign of what he called his false promises of fundraising help to Robert Blagojevich.

This is a man whose story has changed so many times, the press isn't even bothering to keep track anymore. They simply refer to his ever changing explanations as "another layer" to an "evolving story" as Chicago Tribune reporters Ashley Rueff, Rick Pearson and Jeff Coen did above. It is at least the 6th alteration in what Burris has said - a record even for an Illinois pol.

This man is incapable of telling the truth. It remains to be seen if Harry Reid or his number two man in the senate, Burris' Illinois colleague Dick Durbin (who vouched for Burris with Reid) will do anything about this total embarrassment to the state, his party, and the senate.

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