Ed Lasky on US-Israel deteriorating relations

AT's news editor Ed Lasky has an excellent piece at Pajamas Media on the perilous state of US-Israeli relations and the consequences of the Obama administration putting pressure on Israel to play ball:

A sample:

There is a pattern emerging that this administration intends to use tools at its disposal to pressure Israel to follow America's lead in the region. A sign of this has been the linkage the Obama team is trying to propound between efforts to derail Iran's nuclear program and efforts to establish a Palestinian state. The prospect of Israel being compelled to sign the NNPT is another card being played by the Obama team to "encourage" Israel to yield to American proposals on both the Palestinian and Iranian fronts.

Other notable "hiccups" were the Chas Freeman and Durban II controversies that went on for far too long and America's move to rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council - a group that has obsessively focused on criticizing Israel while shielding dictators.

Haaretz (the New York Times of Israel) recently published a column noting that there has been a sharp decline in the coordination between Israel and the United States on security and state affairs since President Obama entered the White House...

Read the whole thing.

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