It's Not Easy Being Green

Some environmentalists are now opposing certain alternative energy projects on the basis of the negative local ecosystem impact and displeasing aesthetics that, for example, massive solar plants and huge wind turbines might cause.  Since liberal activists have made pariahs out of fossil fuel and nuclear energy, and can always stay warm by pulling their woolen thinking caps a little further down over their own eyes,  it begs the question of what the rest of us are supposed to do to keep from freezing in the winter.
Any solution that directly or indirectly involves consuming resources and producing  waste is offensive to the green movement's dream of living in equilibrium with nature.  Of course, that means no solution is acceptable.  Life itself is a state of disequilibrium with the environment, as inconvenient a truth as ever existed for the dedicated eco-fascist.

Is Mother Nature is more Mommy Dearest than mommy of the year?   Before the Scientific Revolution ruined everything by making modern civilization possible, the average life expectancy was 30, plagues routinely killed 25% or more of entire populations, and if you survived infancy you could generally consider yourself a success in life.  It sounds enchanting: sign me up for the next trip on Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine.

Whenever a government finds it necessary to increase control of its citizens for the greater good, no good ever comes of it.  Obama's commitment to restore earth's climate to the bygone days of yesteryear rings hollow.  The government can't even control the temperature at the local DMV office properly, so it is not reasonable to assume liberal bureaucrats can accomplish it on a planetary scale.  But let's not feel too bad for their inevitable failure to micromanage the earth's temperature, because they will be receiving their usual consolation prize: three steps forward along the road to totalitarianism.

Burning the Constitution little by little in order to save us from ourselves creates such a tiny carbon footprint.   Scientists barely notice the subtle change in atmospheric greenhouse gases. 
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