Let the Sun Shine! Again

A beloved publication is back! The New York Sun returns to publishing on the web today. Check out the home page here.  If you like AT, you are bound to like the Sun.

Alicia Colon, who graced AT with her remarkable insight when the Sun folded, is back to her old home, and better than ever. Her essay on Sonia Sotomayor is just plain wonderful. I was awaiting Alicia's reaction since I knew her biography's startling similarity to Sotomayor's celebrated origins. Alicia writes with honesty and plenty of heart.

I do believe, however, that there are clues as to why the judge has elected to embrace the liberal side of the bench. In an earlier speech she said, "I have spent my years since Princeton, while at law school and in my various professional jobs, not feeling completely a part of the worlds I inhabit." She said added that despite her accomplishments, "I am always looking over my shoulder wondering if I measure up."

It happens that I too have always felt a disconnect from the world of the high and mighty whenever I've been invited to attend fancy functions. I can imagine that it must have been difficult for a girl coming from humble beginnings in the Bronx to compete in the realm of the Ivy League. How much easier it must have been to accede to majority rule rather than to assert any conservative principles taught in a Catholic school.

What I am wondering is whether, once she gets to the Supreme Court, she will be truly liberated from all of that.

I will miss Alicia's submissions and the articles that result. But the return of the Sun is a wonderful thing, and I am glad a friend has found her way home. May they flourish together.
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