Minneapolis Imam on 'the hell of living in America'

The words "America, love it or leave it" sprang to mind as I read Patrick Poole's account of developments in my beloved home town, Minneapolis, surrounding Somali Imam Hassan Mahmoud.

As the FBI has ongoing investigations in numerous cities across the country looking into the disappearances of possibly dozens of young Somali men who have left the country to presumably  join the jihad and train in terror camps back home, attention has recently been focused on one Minneapolis imam. Hassan Mohamud (Jamici) has been singled out by some in that community as being one of the radicalization influences in the Twin Cities.

Minneapolis has the largest Somali population in the country. In an interview with USA Today, Mohamud denied any connection to the missing men. But the findings of one recent news report by the Minneapolis Fox News affiliate is sure to keep Mohamud in the spotlight.

According to that Fox News report, the imam appeared in a fundraising video posted on YouTube (now since removed) for his mosque, the Islamic Daw'ah Institute in St. Paul. In his appearance he encourages viewers to donate to the mosque's project, which he says "can save you from the hell of living in America."

This is the same man who issued the fatwa telling Somali taxi drivers not to transport passengers from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport if they were carrying alcohol, or had a seeing eye dog.

There's much more to this story. Read the whole article.

Question: why does America continue to open its arms to people who want to change the very basic nature of our society and find the status quo a living hell?
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