Tea Party Patriots Group demands apology from Democrats

Good for Mark Tapscott of the Washington Examiner for reprinting this open letter by Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots that takes the president, Speaker Pelosi, and the media to task for denigrating the more than one million Americans who turned out on April 15th to protest.

You really have to read the whole thing but here are few haymakers thrown by Martin that find their mark:

In a development that can only further denigrate the discourse necessary to any effective democracy, politicians and the "serious" news media are now mocking citizens regularly and with impunity.

 Supported by mainstream journalists on MSNBC and CNN who themselves use sexual slurs on national television to mock and attack the same citizens, the politicians openly demonstrate their feelings of superiority in regard to those they were elected to represent. They now candidly express their disdain for a significant portion of the American population without threat of reprisal by the mainstream media. 

On the morning of the April 15th Tea Parties, the American public was informed on national news by one of the President's economic advisers, Jared Bernstein, that the President was "unaware" of the tea parties taking place in over 850 cities across the nation.

On April 29th, the President informed a town hall meeting in St. Louis that he has now become aware of the tea parties, but only from "certain news channels on which I'm not very popular." He referred to the one million plus Patriots who came out in legitimate and constitutionally protected demonstrations of free speech on April 15th as "folks waving tea bags around..."

While he collects royalties (last year about $2.6 million) from his books, "The Audacity of Hope" and "Dreams From My Father," the President has the audacity to imply that we the people have nothing legitimate to say about high taxes, wasteful spending and corporate bailouts.

While liberal Democrats, including the President, pretend they don't know what the tea party movement is all about and dismiss the group as little more than wild-eyed racists, organizers appear to be on track to make the July 4th protests even bigger. The movement is apparently growing despite the most vicious, unprincipled attacks seen against an opposition to government policies in many years.

Maybe when a couple of million Americans turn out on July 4th, that attitude will change.
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