Texas Senate approves guns on campus

If a bill tentatively approved by the Texas State Senate passes a final vote and wins approval of the House, students will be permitted to possess guns on campus. The Austin Statesman reports:

A controversial bill that would allow college students to carry guns in dorms and classrooms was tentatively approved Tuesday by the Texas Senate.

The bill, which passed 20-10, will need 21 votes for final approval and then it faces an uncertain fate in the House, which last week killed a similar proposal on a technicality. ...

The proposal would let private colleges and universities prohibit handguns on their campuses. But public institutions would have to allow Texans with state concealed-handgun permits to possess weapons in dorms and classrooms, a move that administrators have strongly opposed. Under current law, permit holders can carry their weapons on campus grounds but not in stadiums and sporting arenas. That would not change.

Video: San Antonio Sens. Jeff Wentworth and Leticia Van de Putte discuss Senate approval of measure concerning guns on college campuses.

The Virginia Tech massacre happened on a campus banning guns. A madman was thus unopposed by firearms as he methodically shot his victims. This is not rocket science. But if it were, Texas just happens to have a lot of rocket scientists in Houston. Once again, Texas leads the way.

Hat tip: David Paulin
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