Trivializing War Crimes

Today's liberals all too often use broad strokes to make accusations against anything the Bush Administration tried to accomplish over the past eight years. From "more children will die" to Senator Specter's contention that Republican policies led to the early demise of Jack Kemp, there is no limit of what can be blamed on Bush.

But the American left has hit a new low by trivializing genuine war crimes through likening them to the discomfort inflicted by water boarding. Since the release of the "torture" memos this mantra has been repeated by liberals: we convicted and executed Japanese War criminals for water boarding so the Bush Administration has to be brought to justice.

A quick Google on the subject produced this document from the actual trials; "Japanese Methods of Prisoner of War Interrogation."    

" The victim's stomach is filled with water from a hose placed in the throat.  A plank is then placed across the distended stomach, and Japanese, one on each end, then ' see-saw' thus forcing out the water from the stomach. Many of the victims die under this torture."

"The victim's thumbs are tied together and he is hitched by them to a motor car which proceeds to pull him around in a circle until he falls exhausted. This is repeated at two-or three day intervals."

Prisoners were made to beat each other, half rations for "special PWs (Army Air Corp)," beheadings? The liberal strategy of moral equivalence but only when it serves the greater cause should be challenged every time. Apparently that is asking way to much from a lazy, liberal fourth estate.     
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