Will the 'real' Bob Herbert, please stand up?

So the man who pontificates about the idiocy of the Republicans cannot even identify what office Jim DeMint (who is one of the leaders of the party) holds?

I wonder if the automatic Bob Herbert would make the same mistake? The Automatic bob Herbert is a website that generates Bob Herbert columns once a topic is entered. The "machine" makes it clear that Bob Herbert writes the same column over and over. That is  how unimaginative and uninformative-and angry-the columnist is. One wonders why the New York Times is on the brink...

A sample of the "real" Bob Herbert reveals why the former theater critic should have stuck with reviewing revivals of Oklahoma rather than delving into subjects in which it is painfully obvious he knows little or nothing:

The incredibly clueless stewards of the incredibly shrinking Republican Party would do well to recall that it was supposedly Abe Lincoln, a Republican, who said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Not only has the G.O.P. spent years trying to fool everybody in sight with its phony-baloney, dime-store philosophies, it's now trapped in the patently pathetic phase of fooling itself.

The economy has imploded, the auto industry is in danger of being vaporized and more than half of all working Americans are worried that they may lose their jobs in the next year. So what's the Republican response? To build a wall of obstruction in front of efforts to get the economy moving again, and then to stand in front of that wall chanting gibberish about smaller government, lower taxes, spending cuts and Ronald Reagan.

It's not a party; it's a cult.

And then, the correction:

Correction: An earlier version of this column misstated the elected office held by Jim DeMint. He is a senator from South Carolina, not the state's governor.

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