Lancing Fitzgerald

Peter Lance, author of Triple Cross, a book critical of Patrick Fitzgerald and in particular his handling of material and witnesses which handled otherwise might have prevented 9/11, details the latter's efforts to intimidate his publisher into censoring the book before it is published in paperback.
While nobody invites litigation, I look forward to sitting across a table from Mr. Fitzgerald at a deposition. It would give me a chance to grill him the same way he’s gone after many others. I have a reporter’s notebook full of questions: Why did Al Qaeda master spy Ali Mohamed outmaneuver him for so many years? Why did Fitzgerald discredit the intelligence from Greg Scarpa’s Yousef sting? And why did the feds seem to ignore Sphinx Trading?

There’s no doubt the crusader with scary-smart intelligence can dish it out. The question is, when confronted with his own track record, can he take it?
h/t:  Ed Lasky
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