Monopoly Bad, Centralized Medicine Good

Here's an easy game to find out how media-savvy you really are. Just answer "Good" or "Bad" to the following words.

Microsoft? ___________

American Superpower? ________

Multinational Corporations? __________

I make that Bad, Bad, Bad. Which makes sense to me. Monopolies are bad because they concentrate too much power in the hands of a few fat cats.

How about?

Obama as Emperor of America?  ___________

Single-Party Media?  ___________

Universities all run by the Left?   ___________

But wait! Those are all monopolies. In fact, they are by far the most successful monopolies in American life in the Age of O. One reason they are so successful is that nobody calls them monopolies. Certainly not the Monopoly Media.

So -- see if I get this now -- monopolies are bad if it's Microsoft or America or multinationals. But monopolies are good if it's Obama's Command Economy --- or if it's Leftist control over education from kindergarten to graduate school.

Anybody can play this game.

Big Pharma?  ___________

Big FDA?  ___________

Big NBC-CBS-ABC-NYT-WaPo? ___________

Big Conservative Talk Radio? ___________

But here's the real bottom line:

Centralized Medicine?

Paradise on Earth.
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