Obama's food taster unpleasant surprise for French chefs

When the World's Biggest Celebrity and his wife had their glam-date in Paris, part of their Family Dream Weekend in Paris, their food taster was on hand, ready to die for his president. I don't blame the The One for it. Lord knows the American oppression of France has been severe, and the black and Muslim immigrant communities have been hit the hardest. I suppose there is Secret Service agent assigned this duty.

Still, this AFP report makes it clear the chefs were not amused, though they made the best of it.

"They have someone who tastes the dishes," said waiter Gabriel de Carvalho from the "La Fontaine de Mars" restaurant where Obama and his family turned up for dinner on Saturday night.

"It wasn't very pleasant for the cooks at first, but the person was very nice and was relaxed, so it all went well," he said on the Itele news channel

The royal style has never played well in republican France.  

Hat tip to French conservative blogger Amaury, who emailed the story to me. Even if you don't understand French, check out his blog Sérum de Liberté, just for the page design.
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