PayGo Fiasco

So, have you heard of "PayGo?" No, that is not the name of some Pagan God or even the newest character in the Pokémon arsenal it is the latest incarnation of the incongruent schizophrenia of the Obama administration. The President explained it like this, "if Congress spends a dollar they have to save a dollar."

Of course the President qualified this latest iteration of fiscal responsibility only after polling was released showing that his administration was failing when it came to economic policies. Pay-as-you-go was a popular theme during the run-up to the election but it mysteriously vanished after Obama's inauguration. What we have seen since is an explosion in government and budgets and deficits that only a demented proud mother of a dysfunctional robber baron could be proud of.

This latest manifestation of Obamanomics rears its ugly head as they attempt to add to the discussion the topic of "pay-as-you-go" on the heels of the rhetoric regarding ramping up the spending of stimulus money Monday. I'm not sure who the bigger fool is, the American people if they buy this line of crap or the Obama administration for slinging this slop in the first place. Isn't the cry to shut the barn door a bit disingenuous at this point since the horse is already a mile down the road? Current spending and projected budgets negate any hope of a pay-as-you-go philosophy therefore one can only conclude that this is nothing more than a lie meant to placate the electorate.

Pay-as-you-go is the way that average Americans live their lives but it is a concept that is completely lost in the deluded minds of the mental midgets wandering the halls in Washington. It is a common sense approach and requires fiscal discipline, something that has become a foreign concept to our elected officials. For Barack Obama to step forward at this point in time after having spent trillions, with trillions more ahead to be spent on issues such as healthcare and billions to be spent on the continued bailouts of companies like GM, any hope for a pay-as-you-go system is nothing more than political hyperbole.

What this country needed was a leader who can step in and immediately make the hard choices, instead we got a leader that sought popularity by opening an all you can consume money buffet. I'm sorry that I have to keep saying this but when the government spends billions on GM, billions on the bank, billions on insurance companies and promise to spend close to $2 trillion on their version of a utopian healthcare system remember this, our government doesn't make money, they take money, your money.

These programs and bailouts are all funded 100% with tax dollars, your tax dollars. So ask yourself, would you have given your hard earned money to GM, AIG and Wall Street? Would you spend your hard-earned money creating a healthcare system that in the end will deliver less and cost all of us more? Wake up America! These ass clowns are playing with your money like this was a game of Monopoly. For all you know "PayGo" was misinterpreted by Obama's economic mental midgets as "Pass Go" collect $200 because they are still standing there with their hand out.
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