Sterilizing Imperfection

In an old episode of Star Trek, the crew of the USS Enterprise comes upon a space probe called Nomad.  The probe mistakenly refers to Captain Kirk as the "creator" and believes that its mission is to "find and sterilize imperfection".   Since Nomad's definition of imperfect includes all living things, it travels from world to world, killing everything it comes into contact with.  It would appear that while we have never been given access to Obama's college transcripts or educational upbringing, we now have our hands on the video training regime that our leader is using for his "sterilization" of America.  Based upon the first five months of his activity in office, it is apparent that he finds virtually everything that America stands for imperfect.

Surely, a sane person could come to only one conclusion when we outline the "changes" our new Nomad has set into motion for a country-that by most standards-was a model citizen in the world order:  That conclusion is that our President, through his actions has given us cause to realize that he, like Nomad, believes we are imperfect and, through the powers of the creator, only He can sterilize us.

  • Private contracts?  Government intervention to sterilize private business dealings/contracts (GM & Chrysler)
  • State legislation and governance?   Government intervention to sterilize the misguided process of state's rights. (South Carolina being forced to take stimulus/California threatened with rescission of stimulus funds if they didn't rescind the pay cuts to state union healthcare workers)
  • Legislative control.  Government sterilization by creating15 (so far) new czars who do not answer to any legislative branch or authority.
  • Private healthcare?  A proposed national  sterilization plan that will allow a government panel to decide if an American's medical treatment is cost effective, necessary, or perhaps it will be based on whether that individual belongs to the right party or union.
  • Equal pay?  How about a government sterilization plan called The Pay for Performance Act of 2009, currently in a proposed bill, which would grant vast powers to the Treasury Secretary and allow him to, retroactively if necessary, limit salaries, wages and earnings of virtually any employee of companies that participate in any type of government funding (bailout).

Perhaps it's time we began using the proper terminology when evaluating new plans from the administration?  Whenever the administration comes out with a new plan to save America, simply insert the word "Nomad" when using "President" and insert the word "sterilization" when referring to an "act" or "plan".  For example:  The Pay for Performance Plan would become the Pay for Performance Sterilization.  The Freedom of Choice Act is now the Freedom of Choice Sterilization, all brought to you by our fearless leader, Nomad.  "Please beam me up Scotty!" 
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