2.8 Million porkulus dollars down the toilet

At least 2.8 million dollars of porkulus money will be flushed down the drain -- literally.

In remote areas of one of the nation's least populous states, New Mexico, the Obama administration has decided to spend almost three million of your tax dollars "repairing and replacing aging toilets in three of the state's national forests," some toilets "as old as 20 years."

According to a report by Albuquerque's KRQE, Channel 13, the 2.8 mill will be distributed between three New Mexico national forests -- which works out to an average of almost a million bucks per park. The report focuses on the Cibola National Forest, which it says will get a facelift for six to eight facilities.

Doing the math, that would equate to something like $125,000-$150,000 per restroom.

But don't worry, this isn't just "potty pork," even though one Forest Service spokeswoman says many of the problems associated with current facilities is the result of vandalism. "Most bidders for projects are companies in New Mexico so repairing toilets will stimulate the economy, she said."

It's essential though. The report says of one park ranger, "When Mother Nature calls he's seen people do desperate things in desperate times."

Maybe like bears do?
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