A Teachable Moment Indeed

"..an incensed Gates yelling, "This is what happens to black men in America!," and, when asked by Crowley to speak with him outside the residence, Gates replied, "ya, I'll speak with your mama outside." Cambridge PD report

What an interesting turn of events:  During Smackdown week for Obamacare, Obameconomy and Obama-Cop-o-phobia,  America was provided with what our suddenly wobbly Profiler-in-Chief describes as "a teachable moment ."  While the overuse of the phrase has rendered it hackneyed and suspect, this is perhaps the only little nugget that B.O. got right:  Obama helped teach us some things all right, but he ain't  gonna be happy with what we have learned.

For starters, we learned that the cops are the good guys. When Sergeant James Crowley and the Cambridge Police Department, their police officers union and national affiliates decided that they weren't about to be cowed by an agenda-driven black professorial class with a vested interest in stirring up racial paranoia, they discovered that an overwhelming majority of Americans were on their side.   You didn't think Obama's clumsy walk-back on his ignorant remarks about Yo-mama-gate were based upon a sincere concern for fairness, did you?  You can bet your last inflated Obama dollar that David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel had their Ouija-boards out, poring through their independent polls, trying to figure what color and how much lipstick to paint on the President's pig of a press conference response.

We have also learned that despite the predictable full-court press by the race industry, the evidence provided by the police reports, photos and eye-witness testimony indicate that the only racial profiling involved in Yo-mama-gate was done by the half-baked black studies "scholar", Henry Louis Gates, Jr.    (To see what passes for scholarship in the black-studies realm go here.) 

At a minimum, Gates was guilty of "contempt of cop", and was given ample opportunity to tone down his manufactured vitriol and get himself under control.  While Gates defenders claim that one can't be disorderly in one's own home, what do you suppose the pretext for summoning the police to ask one's neighbors to turn down the volume from a party might be?   I vaguely recall a few encounters with the local constabulary when I was a college lad inclined toward a bit too much volume and I admit to having been a bit disorderly.   But we were always respectful to the police and complied with their request to "tone it down."

Perhaps most importantly, we have gotten a clearer picture of what the American race industry is all about.  The deconstruction of the reputation of their most visible representative, Henry Louis Gates, nears completion.  As one might expect from those trained in the race industry, Gates continues to search every closet, turn over every seat cushion and look under every bed for evidence of discrimination to fuel his victimologist  agenda.  His behavior and remarks regarding Yo-mama-gate demonstrate his continuing casual acquaintanceship with veracity: 

Henry Louis Gates contines to behave disgracefully and without dignity. He is taking advantage of his status to go before audiences to call the respected and conscientious Sergeant Crowley, who taught racial profiling at the police academy and who was trying to protect Gates' house, a "rogue cop." Gates is also saying that as a white man, Crowley couldn't stand seeing a black man standing up for his rights. This is an outrage. Gates is embroidering an incident in which he behaved boorishly - "out of control," as one of the witnesses outside of the house put it - into a racist fantasy out of Mississippi Burning.

Professor Gates preposterous attempts at spinning the situation only make him look more like a clown.  According to Gates, for instance, 

"I was using my regular driver and my regular car service."

Even the New York Times saw through Gates's euphemistic attempt at self-aggrandizement:

"He forced the door open with the help of his cab driver."  

Perhaps Hollerin' Henry calls the same cab company each time he needs a lift and requests the same driver.  But to describe this mode of transportation as his driver and his service demonstrates a narcissim and embroidery upon the facts matched only by his buddy, B.O.

  The American people owe a debt of gratitude to both Professor Gates and Prof-Turned Prez Obama for this latest series of illuminating insights.  It looks increasingly like America is turning back in the right direction.

Ralph Alter blogs at Right on Target 
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