Dem ObamaCare talks break down in anger

House Blue Dog Dems are madder than a granny denied a hip replacement and told to take some painkillers.  Evidently Rahm Emanuel's strong-arm tactics, combined with Nancy Pelosi's cluelessness and the hopeless mess that is the House ObamaCare bill, have produced anger and recriminations for the House Democrats. The Hill reports:

House healthcare negotiations dissolved in acrimony on Friday, with Blue Dog Democrats saying they were "lied" to by their Democratic leaders.

The seven Blue Dogs on the Energy and Commerce Committee stormed out of a Friday meeting with their committee chairman, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), saying Waxman had been negotiating in bad faith over a number of provisions Blue Dogs demanded be changed in the stalled healthcare bill.

"I've been lied to," Blue Dog Coalition Co-Chairman Charlie Melancon (D-La.) said on Friday. "We have not had legitimate negotiations.

ObamaCare is turning into a debacle for Dems.

Hat tip: C. Edmund Wright
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